Environmental Compliance
Environmental Compliance: Internal auditor training based on ISO14001
The course is a comprehensive coverage of all applicable requirements for environmental compliance. The training will study deeply every requirement listed in the ISO standards, explain how it applies, and cover any gaps, misapplications and challenges. The training will put the requirements to life and ensure that the trainee understands how the requirement applies to their facility or operation.
Fundamental of Occupational Health
Gain exposure to the broad field of industrial hygiene through sampling and workshop sessions, hands-on lab experiences, demo sessions, and problem-solving exercises. This Five days course is not only designed for OEHS professionals new to industrial hygiene or who have newly acquired IH responsibilities, but also serves as an excellent refresher.
The class would benefit those wishing to pursue a Master's degree in industrial hygiene, those wishing to complete a certificate in occupational health, or for students in allied health fields needing a basic understanding of industrial hygiene.
Occupational Toxicology
A general background on the methodology in the field of occupational toxicology will be provided with an important role of occupational hygiene, epidemiology and medicine. Much attention will be given to methods of exposure assessment such as characterization of inhalation and dermal exposures and the use of biomarkers to study uptake of industrial chemical.
Marine Conservation Management
Teaching definitions on marine conservation, examples thereof in different parts of the world. Importance thereof for the ecology of marine ecosystems, the culture of nations adjacent to the sea and for the economy of countries counting on the sea. How sustainable management of the seas and oceans contributes to ecotourism, prosperous seaside communities, healthy fisheries and balanced societies. Creation of marine protected areas in the world (different methodologies applied) and which international treaties support them. How marine protected areas, if managed properly, attract attention of environmental groups and investors. In Kuwait, and in the Gulf, how marine conservation if enhanced could benefit the environment and the economy.
1 Day Wonder IT Courses
IES offers intensive 1 day seminars to kick-start understanding in IT to make HSE professionals more productive and leverage cutting edge tools.
Introduction to Python for HSE
Python is the world’s most popular computer language and ideal for data analysis. This 1-day course introduce new Python users to the popular libraries in order to get results immediately. Areas covered include data entry from Excel files, Monte Carlo analysis, statistical analysis of big data, plotting and visualization techniques and basic machine learning techniques. No experience necessary but an understanding of linear algebra is helpful.
Introduction to LaTex
LaTex is a free document preparation system for high-quality report and document writing. Unlike word processors, LaTex uses pre-formatted templates that allow the writer to focus on content and not presentation. This 1-day course introduces the LaTex system including document classes, initial set-up, preparation of tables, equations, and bibliographies.
Visual Basic for Excel
Microsoft Excel is a powerful piece of software by itself, but when used with Visual Basic macros, it becomes even more powerful. This 1-day course shows how use Excel to write your own code and enhance it to make automatic data preparation, dynamic spreadsheets and content-rich presentation.
Each course can be delivered onsite and tailored to your particular requirements. Contact us for details.